Friday, October 25, 2013

The Time Will Pass Anyway

My sister and I have a knack for thinking up amazing business ideas that inevitably will require hours of training for us to implement and develop. Being gritty, determined and altogether ridiculous we usually cobble together a long-term plan to accomplish our goals and create this new venture.

Once we part ways, we sober up a bit and realize how large of an undertaking we've imagined up and simultaneously, we lose interest. Justifying our new found disinterest, we always cite how long it will take to bring this idea to if our time could be better spent on some other entrepreneurial pursuit we have yet to come up with.

Fortunately, the other day I ran across this extremely motivating quote from Mr. Earl Nightingale: "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."

So poignant and true. Its the same idea that's always rolled around in the back of my head but I'd never let myself grasp the idea long enough to word it as eloquently as Nightingale did. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this quote at the right time! So, now I will tell myself:

Imagine if you do buckle down, grit your teeth and make this idea come to life. You'll have used your time wisely and you'll have a brand new source of income. And, you'll have checked another thing off your bucket list!
Now, imagine if you crap out and let this idea sit at the bottom of your pile. Then imagine repeating that with the next bright idea you have and the next idea and the next idea. 'The time will have passed anyway' and you'll have no new businesses and no new sources of income.

Typing it now, it makes no sense that my brain thinks this way! But when I'm in the moment, its easy to say to myself:

That's too hard and its awfully time consuming - I need a better idea. A quicker idea. An easier idea.

What idea is going to be acceptable for that lazy person inside my head? The state lottery? Sitting on ass all day and magically getting money from the sky? I don't know, but neither of those are likely to produce any cash!

I love it when I find inspirational nuggets that help me rediscover or reignite my grit.

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