Its funny, when I officially decided to pursue self-employment, my motivation was two-fold:
- To be financially self-sufficient and to achieve at least moderate wealth
- To be able to do what I want, when I want
The second motivating factor has been a double-edged sword, for sure. If you begin self-employment with the goal of being able to do what you want, when you want - it is safe to assume that you're the type of person who already has a hard time with boundaries, procrastination and timely deliverables.
Therefore, my second motivating factor is also a pretty substantial barrier in achieving my own dreams.
Just yesterday, I went to a matinee movie. It was wonderful, liberating and just what I've always wanted to do! However, it took up and unexpected 4 hours of my time. Prime working time. I don't really regret it, because I haven't gone on many daytime excursions since I quit my job last summer and it was a movie I really wanted to see.
But it does make me wonder how can I do whatever I want, when I want if its also going to take away from the very thing that's supposed to financially support me doing whatever I want, whenever I want?
I certainly need to achieve some balance - fortunately for me, the work that I do is endlessly entertaining to me. However, I am going to continue to work towards automation in my daily work. I want to get all of my money working for me such that I actually don't have to work daily if I don't want to. I think my conundrum is caused simply by me not achieving my first motivational goal: complete financial self-sufficiency.
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