Monday, November 4, 2013

Update: My Bucket List

I've updated my bucket list. I added:

Have the time and ability to be a first responder volunteer for national disasters.

Helping others during their direst time of need has always been something I've wanted to do. I don't have any training or experience in such things, but living in tornado alley, every spring and fall there is some small city in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas that's seemingly wiped off the map. And every time I see the footage, I think to myself that I wish I were there helping. 

I heard recently that one woman in New Jersey took in 15 people into her own home. That's simply an amazing feat of selflessness. While, I don't aspire to house and clothe 15 people, I want to help all the same, make a difference.

Having quit my job this summer, I technically have "spare" time now, not having to calculate vacation time and negotiate taking that time off with a boss. All I need to do is get the financial resources together to be able to take off at a moment's notice. It won't be long before I can do that, I am just ready for the day to be here. 

When I quit my job, I knew I'd be living a sparse existence for a while. I did the math, I knew what I was giving up financially and what I was gaining in terms of quality of life. But all the same, I had these goals and ideas of what I could and would do when I had the joy of working for myself.

As it stands now, I have the freedom to work as hard as I can to meet my financial goals so that I can eventually mark things off my bucket list. That just requires working many hours a day to meet those goals.

My updated Entrepreneur Bucket List:
- Quit my day job. Stop being an employee - Start an online retail business
- Create multiple streams of income:
   - 2
   - 3
   - 4
   - 5+
- Invest a portion of my earnings and savings with the purpose of creating additional income
- Save significant amounts of money to, in effect, have my retirement funds squirreled away at at an early age.
   - Don't use the above for anything except income generation and retirement
- Self-manage at least a portion of my brokerage account
- Invent something, manufacture and sell it
- Have the ability to work remotely, abroad
- Give 10% of my income to worthy causes
- Make my first million
- Save my first million
- Go to an exotic location for Google for Entrepreneurs Week
- Go to more conferences, exhibits and fairs related to my businesses
- Have the time and ability to be a first responder volunteer for national disasters

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