Wednesday, November 20, 2013

To Have One Million Dollars

So, my mom and I have been keeping each other motivated to keep on entrepreneur-ing by saying we're going to make one million dollars. Each new investing idea, sales outlet or general business-like epiphany results in some great e-mails back and forth, keeping each other chugging along.

But there's this thought that nags in the back of my mind when I say it. When I say, I want one million dollars. Whenever I type it out or say it out loud, I have to admit that I imagine one million dollars plopping down in my lap. Its not that I want something for nothing or that actually I think one million dollars should or could fall from the sky and be directly deposited by ACH into my back account. Its just that I wonder what it really means to have or earn or make one million dollars.

I think...what counts as a million? What kind of one million dollars?

If mom and I are going to use the power of positive thinking to convince these million dollars to come on by and stay for a while, what is it that I really want? I need to be specific in my goals, here.

Naturally, one million dollars is 1,000,000 one dollar bills. But, really... I've done the retirement calculators online and I know that it takes about 1.5 million for the average American to retire. So, do I want one million dollars or do I want one million in my retirement account now, to earn interest over the next 35 - 40 years? Or do I want one million to spend on additional entrepreneurial goals? Or, it is enough to have one million in net worth? Maybe five hundred thousand in my retirement account and five hundred thousand in my savings/spending accounts.

I don't know what I mean when I say I want one million dollars. How odd is that?

What I do know is that I want to work hard now so that I am comfortable for the rest of my life when the time comes to retire. Even though, I full well know that I'm never going to retire in the sense that I stop earning money and start spending it all.

Maybe I really want about five million dollars...

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