Calistri has come up with a pretty brilliant strategy to bolster your stock portfolio with income generating, dividend paying stocks. Basically, the idea is to invest in dividend paying stocks that payout in intervals in such a way that you're paid 365 times a year, approximately 30 times a month. Her challenge was to find a way to generate significant, steady income for retirees. She has had some great, reasonable success: her portfolio of $267,000 generates about $1,400 in income from dividend payments alone - not including capitol growth.
This peaked my interest because I am a former day and swing trader. Having only held stocks for a less than a day to about two-three weeks, dividends didn't factor into my considerations. Dividends that I did earn were always just a surprise bonus that I didn't pay much attention to, I had never really considered dividends a strategy in itself.
Its a great idea - choose good, hearty companies to invest in that not only yield capitol gains, but extra bonus payments throughout the year! Also, dividends traditionally come from companies that are doing well financially and have gains that generally stay above the average stock market yields. Wonderful!
I took the basics of what I understand the strategy to be and have started my own daily paycheck using half of my Rollover IRA from my previous employer, which equates to one-third of my overall savings. The other two-thirds, I've invested in some safe, but profitable mutual funds and ETF's. Still being a young woman, I have a fairly aggressive investment strategy that I'll adjust as the years go on.
So, as it stands I invested in 16 stocks that will be paying out dividends 57 times throughout the year. Instead of paying for access to Amy Calistri's picks, I chose a few stocks from "Best of" lists on and chose a few of my own favorites that I've traded over the years. I double-checked that my chosen stocks did indeed pay dividends on
I am going to employ and buy-and-hold strategy, but plan to exchange out some losers for winners as time goes on. There's still a danger of falling asleep at the wheel on this passive income strategy!
Dividend Paying Stocks
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